What are you thankful for during this Thanksgiving season?
Who are you thankful is in your life?
Think of 4 reasons you are thankful for them.
If you are having a hard time thinking of ideas, try grabbing a piece of paper and creating a web.
Sample web.
Now the fun part:
How we can change the world is by loving and appreciating those around us each day.
Supplies needed:
Paper, scissors, pens/crayons/markers/glitter/whatever your creative heart desires to decorate.
Step 1: Trace your handprint.
Step 2: On each finger(don’t write on the thumb) write the why you are thankful from above.
Step 3: On the palm write a message to whom you are thankful.
Step 4: Decorate your thankful turkey.
The thumb is the head, the fingers are the feathers.
You can either cut out the turkey or decorate the paper around the turkey.
HAVE FUN!!!!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving